James’ explanation was polite.

I was able to get a glimpse of the user’s usage situation. James’ explanation was polite, so I was able to follow along, but it was difficult to match the rhythm (sound) and make it sound like a song, and I felt the need for a sense of style. ユーザーの使用状況の一端を垣間見ることができた。Jamesさんの説明が丁寧だったので、ついていくことができたが、リズム(音)を合わせて、曲っぽくするのが難しく、センスの必要性を痛感した。 Related Images:

Just the right level of difficulty

It was just the right level of difficulty for me because you took the time to create each sound source and James Ting will be there and answered questions each time. I thought it would be good to hold a course for those who want to do it after regular hours, like a club activity,…

I achieved my personal goal !!

I was able to make some music with Ableton and I want to continue messing around with Ableton in my spare time. Abletonでの楽曲制作がすこしできるようになり自身の目標は達成した。暇をみてAbletonはいじり続けたいと思う。 Related Images:

Learning & Inspirations!

Creative work is possible and I got inspiration that seems to be useful for my composing hobby.  James’ personality was nice. The allocation of work time and instructions were relaxed and very good. 創造的な作業ができ、自分の作曲趣味にも生かせそうなインスピレーションが湧いた。 James先生の人柄はナイスでした。作業時間の配分、指示などに余裕があってとてもよかったです。 Related Images: