Big Respect and Many Thanks to 劉美君姐姐#Repost @prudenceliew ・・・ People may…

Big Respect and Many Thanks to 劉美君姐姐🙌🙌🙌#Repost @prudenceliew ・・・ People may think that you're ordinary, but when you put in EXTRA #effort on doing every little #ordinary thing, you might become quite #Extraordinary someday !! . 有人話你個名平凡,但係其實點平凡都唔重要。因為當一個平凡人用超多嘅努力咁做平凡事,咁超多凡咪變超凡人做超凡事囉!哎呀,我講到好亂咁嘅?我想話唔好看輕呢個仔仔可能有一日會變得好超凡啊! 成日話我錫惜佢,我閉門打佢你地唔知姐?🤣 . People often ask me exactly what do I see in this baby @oscartaosy . . 1.…

#Repost @voodollmim (@get_repost) ・・・ This set styling was took at tram a histo…

#Repost @voodollmim (@get_repost) ・・・ This set styling was took at tram 🚋 a historical icon for HK. My styling sure need some ♥️🖤~ Support LuvDat, a talented 2 artists with nice songs.🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 #Repost @luvdatofficial with @get_repost ・・・ – 任我衣著古怪不正經 背棄那些姿色的規定 @victoria_luvdat @vision_luvdat #LuvDat #凹凸 #luvdat凹凸 #whatdoyousay Source Related Images:

LuvDat in Tokyo Documentary Out Now! Special Thx to Video Director @kings_park_l…

LuvDat in Tokyo Documentary Out Now! Special Thx to Video Director @kings_park_lud @james.deanfung 👍👍👍😎 #Repost @luvdatofficial ・・・ 🚫 有更多驚人秘密內幕! 究竟去日本做過什麼? 快下載「菠蘿BOLO」🍍 觀看完整版訪問內容🎬 @victoria_luvdat @vision_luvdat #LuvDat #凹凸世界 #luvdat凹凸 #日本#tokyo #一音乐一座城 Source Related Images:

LUVDAT X KENTOO in Hong KongThanks so much for the amazing Artworks! @k2rocker …

  LUVDAT X KENTOO in Hong Kong👫🍻👨 Thanks so much for the amazing Artworks! @k2rocker @kentoo_kotaro #Repost @umwebzine ・・・ 【娛樂快遞】LuvDat與日本插畫大師Kentoo初體驗 . LuvDat到訪動漫展,拜訪遠道由日本而來的插畫大師Kentoo。三人坐低啤番杯,邊飲地道嘅香港啤酒,邊談《飛行號》MV設計概念,即刻去片睇吓!😍😍 . 即刻去Facebook睇足本版 . #LuvDat凹凸 @luvdatofficial @vision_luvdat @victoria_luvdat Source Related Images:

LuvDat [飛行號] – Unipolar – MV Out Now! Fly High~ #Repost @universalmusichk・・・…

  LuvDat 👫 [飛行號] – Unipolar – MV Out Now! Fly High~ 🚀🚀🚀 #Repost @universalmusichk ・・・ 【 🔥LuvDat〈飛行號 (Unipolar Version〉〉MV登場!】完整版👉🏼👉🏼link in bio 繼〈What Do You Say〉後,LuvDat繼續發放年輕特有嘅想像力同膽量!⚡⚡ 🛸新歌〈#飛行號〉由James Ting包辦作曲、編曲及監製,梁栢堅填詞,編曲融入大量電子元素,歌詞意念則源自經典電影《回魂夜》中所設計嘅「飛行號」,玩味十足! #LuvDat #凹凸 @luvdatofficial @victoria_luvdat @vision_luvdat @umwebzine Source Related Images: